The New Orphans

They are alone feeling lonely, making wishes to the stars asking for a family.
The new orphans do have a family a big one. They built a life, bought a house, raised kids.
Now the new orphans have nobody only calls, new technology Skype, WhatsApp. It is a life full of empty bedrooms and lonely birthdays
For them, it is better a call it is easier to fake the voice saying “It’s all right” “Do not worry” When the world could not be worse. No, it could be. Death can come taking one of the children or all of them. In Venezuela, death is everywhere.
The new orphans have days with no light, no water. Asking themselves if they would be more food. Praying to no get sick. They live in a country with no doctors, no medicine, only big lines to buy food.
The new orphans are our parents, grandparents, Uncles, aunts. Parents with kids far away because they had the chance to escape. The future is the priority, the past hinders.
Their kids are worried, They send money, food. They promise they would take the orphans to the new country. But it is difficult. It is the money, the legal issues, space, the rent, health insurance. It is a new world with no home, friends nor independence. It is becoming fully dependent of their kids.
The new orphans are the man dying alone in a hospital, are the woman with Alzheimer abandoned in a bus station, are the man starving because he cannot be stand up in a line for long.
You can plan, you can work, you can make the right decisions, you can be a good parent, but something bigger comes changing all.